Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm 35 today, and although I've never worried about getting older, that sounds pretty grown up for someone like me. Of course, so does having a baby! I told Jeff that the next time we celebrate a birthday (his was last month), it will be a literal celebration of a birth-day. Elizabeth is due almost exactly 6 months from now.

We have had a very nice day so far. Jeff made me scrambled eggs with bacon for breakfast, gave me a beautiful jewelry box, and he then took me to the Outback for lunch. Then, I got to come home and take a long nap, and we're going to another of my favorite restaurants, El Chico, for dinner. We have cake, too, but I'm still too full to have any. :-) Jeff said that on my next birthday, he and Elizabeth are going to get up early and make me chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. We then had a good laugh over the thought of a 6-month-old smeared with chocolate! Then there was the shocked realization that in 6 months there will be a brand new baby with us. Wow!!

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