Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Party!

Bethie did not have the best time at her party, unfortunately. She wouldn't nap during the morning, and so by the time 2:00 rolled around, she was worn out and cranky. The people, the gifts, and the excitement were too much for her, and even the cake quickly lost its charm. I am trying not to be too disappointed, but it wasn't the party for which I had hoped. Still, my baby is a year old, and we did have a party! Happy birthday, Sweetheart! Mama and Daddy love you so, so much!

Happy Birthday Elizabeth Aurora Rose!

Today is my baby's birthday, and she is officially a toddler. I am armed with waterproof makeup and plenty of tissues, but we're going to have a great day. Her party is in a couple of hours, and we are lucky enough to be having my sister and brother-in-law coming in for the week. I will post pictures and videos as soon as I can, and in the meantime, I will try not to dwell on the fact that my baby has grown up so quickly. She is such a fun, cheerful little girl, and each day is a brilliant new adventure for which I am grateful. Happy birthday, my sweet angel!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Missing My Birdie!

I've been sick all week with a raging sinus infection that affected my asthma, so Bethie has had to go to daycare while I recuperate. I haven't had the breath or the energy to keep up with her, and I have missed her so much! What did I do with myself before we had her? I know I read a lot and played computer games, and it is amazing how those things do not hold my attention anymore.

I am hoping to be back to normal by Monday, if I can get the asthma under control. Until then, Daddy does all the leg work, and Mama gets all the cuddling! We did have a bath last night - something Bethie and I both love - so here are a couple of pictures of my little mermaid.