Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mood Swings - Poor Jeff!

I know, I know, people are getting antsy for the next post! As my cousin Joanna so aptly put it, my pregnancy is taking forever since she knew almost from the moment of conception! I was going to post more often, but unless you really want to hear how I'm feeling every single day, there's not a whole lot to post just now. I don't go back to the doctor til September 10, and since it is too early to feel Baby move, the only other news is how many times I've run to the bathroom every day. :-)

I did have a wonderful day today. Jeff and I finally found a place that sells real Chicago-style hot dogs in a little town about half an hour from here, so we decided to have them for lunch today. Well, I woke up crabby and couldn't seem to shake it, so poor Jeff had to deal with that all morning. After lunch we passed a little shop called Gypsy Warehouse, and the name alone enticed me into the shop. I found the most gorgeous jewelry, and totally in my style. It was too expensive, but Jeff insisted on buying a necklace and bracelet for me. I totally didn't deserve it since I was being such a brat, but he is a sweetheart. After that, I had a craving for gummy candies, so we went to the mall there (which, by the way, was the nicest mall I have ever seen, and I don't even like malls as a rule), and we bought junk food and candy and did lots of window shopping. It was such a great day! Then, we came home and napped the afternoon away - the perfect addition to the day.

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