Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Three Positives Later . . .

After so many heartaches, I have a hard time believing I'm actually pregnant. I've taken three tests however, and since they are all positive, I guess I can stop worrying. I will go for a blood test on Monday when I get home, and I don't know what happens after that. I'm in entirely new territory here!

(I don't have the second test from yesterday, since I inadvertently threw it out. Here are the first one from yesterday and the one from today.)

1 comment:

Joanna said...

We all do that...take a gazillion tests, just to make sure they are all still positive. Just be glad you didn't ruin a test by getting more pee on your hand than on the test stick! Or by using the digital one and getting too much pee on the WHOLE stick instead of just the part where pee is supposed to go. Then you have to wait for it to dry and reset itself. Even I can see from that picture you are pregnant!!