We brought Bethie in for her newborn screen yesterday morning and she had lost 15 ounces, which was 13% of her body weight and way too much. She wasn't eating enough, but because she is so laid back and calm, she didn't cry. She slept too much because she didn't have the energy to wake up until she was so hungry her little body made her! I got a good pump from the hospital though, and was surprised to find out that I actually make quite a lot of milk. I started pumping and feeding every 2 hours, and the difference in Bethie was dramatic. She wakes up now every 2 - 3 hours to eat, and while she is hungry she's not angry and screaming. Also, after feedings she is alert and awake the way she is supposed to be. She is also pooping again, since she wasn't the day before, and is such a happy little girl. Thank God for doctors!! She had a follow-up visit today, and the doctor said that her vitals are great, she looks good and healthy, and if we stay on her 2-hour schedule, she will be back to her birth weight in two weeks. The pumping has helped immeasurably, too. My milk has now fully come in, and neither Bethie nor I could be happier!
She is truly the most precious blessing and gift that God could have given us, and Jeff and I are in love. She is calm and happy and already starting to make faces and smile at us. She has such a cute little personality! She opens her mouth wide when she is hungry and looks for all the world like a baby bird, so now she is mama's Little Bird. I know there are a thousand more things I could say, but Little Bird needs to eat!
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