Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Since my last post I finished the Clomid, and aside from the hot flashes, have had no other side effects. Maybe a few teary moments when goopy commercials come on, but that's it. Yesterday I had to have blood drawn as the doctor checks the FSH levels twice in a cycle before he is satisfied, and today was my sonogram. I had hoped that my eggs would be huge and we could induce ovulation, and in fact I knew that I would have lots of eggs. I was absolutely certain that the doctor would be amazed at both the size and the number of eggs I had. This was not the case.

My eggs are growing, which is good, but today there were only two eggs - one in each ovary - that was big. The eggs need to be at least 18mm in order to be mature, and the doctor wants to see at least two before we start to increase my chances of conception. My eggs were 13mm and 17mm. I am trying not to give up hope. My eggs are still growing after all, but it was such a terrible disappointment to realize that, even on a double dose of Clomid, I still cannot seem to produce a good number of eggs, which will decrease our chances of conceiving drastically.

I have to have another sonogram on Tuesday to see how the eggs are doing.

Cost of blood work: $90

Cost of Sonogram: $100

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