Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Breast Feeding

I have been breastfeeding and bottle feeding Bethie since she was a week old, and I am determined to get her back on breast milk only. It started when she was losing weight and so we had to supplement with formula and pumped breast milk so that we could make sure she was eating enough. Now, she knows that the bottle is quicker than the breast, so when she gets hungry enough, she refuses to nurse and needs a bottle. Several people have told me to just make her take the breast, but I've tried that and I just can't bear for her to be hungry and crying.

I rented a hospital-grade pump from the hospital for a month, and I've been drinking Mother's Milk herbal tea. So far, I've been pumping a lot more than I was, so I'm hoping that this will help us get rid of the formula entirely. Bethie can still have a bottle, but I want to be able to give her breast milk.

Please know that I have absolutely nothing against formula, it's just that I am too stubborn and have to try everything I can before I give in. Right now, Bethie is getting about 50% - 80% breast milk and the rest is formula, so I am grateful that she's even getting that much. I just feel like I have to try and do better for my Little Bird! The first picture is from when she was three days old, and the other is from this week, so you can see my baby is growing up way too fast as it is! :-)

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Fenugreek works for upping your milk supply too. You have to take a LOT of it though, like 2-3 capsules 2-3 times a day. Its safe and you will start to smell like maple syrup. Thats when you know you are taking enough, LOL. Otherwise just keep up the good work! Can't wait to see you guys in July!