Beautiful Girl

Beautiful Girl

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I adore this child. I cannot get enough of her. I hold her when she's awake, I rock her when she's asleep, and somehow, despite my determination to raise an Independent Child who sleeps alone, she ends up next to me in bed by 4 or so in the morning.

We're doing wonderfully with the every-two-hour feedings, and Bethie wakes up on her own 9 times out of ten now, right at the 2-hour mark. She eats and gets sleepy, and then Mama can just hold her and love her. :-) I am so grateful for this baby!


Joanna said...

Co-sleeping is not a bad thing. Parents have done it for years and years without any negative impact on their kids or their sleep habits. I co-sleep with Austin currently and co-slept with Logan til he was about 2 ish. Logan sleeps great in his own bed now, goes to bed great and wakes up about 11 hours later. I LOVE co-sleeping. I just couldn't put my baby in a crib in another room, I even had a hard time putting them in a bassinet right next to the bed. So just embrace it and do what you feel is normal and natural for you!! You will be a great mother even if Bethie only spends 3 seconds a night in her crib, LOL! She won't be dragging you and your boob to school with her, so go ahead and hold and cuddle and love as much as you want. They are only little once.

Joanna said...

P.S. I have no idea how people can think that a baby who has spent 24/7 cuddled in your uterus, listening to your heartbeat is somehow better if they learn to sleep alone. Think of how insecure that would make you feel. Go ahead and hold her as much as you want!!!

P.S.S. I don't believe you can spoil a baby either. That happens later in life when they are older and understand manipulation.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad things are going well! and i'm especially glad feedings are on track. that can be tricky at first, but it sounds like you and elizabeth are doing great. it IS nice when the feedings start to stretch out a bit and you can get more than an hour or 2 of sleep at a time. until then, like everyone in the whole world says, sleep when the baby sleeps and enjoy every squishy newborn minute.


Leila said...

I'm in the same boat as Joanna. Although our 3-year-old still sleeps with us too. But I am comfortable with it. At least I know that they are okay and not wandering outside or something, ya know? Aalydia spent the first night home from the hospital in her crib in our bedroom. I had a horrible dream that the crib collapsed and hurt her and after that she was with me. I'm not trying to scare you though. But yeah co-sleeping is okay.